Operating UV Lamps

The operation of and maintenance of UV Lamps requires the attention of skilled individuals. Without question, the most important aspect of working with any type of UV is safety. We have a detailed guide and manuals on this subject, which you can see in our UV safety page here. This guide contains useful information about how to work with UV Lamps and tips for improving efficiencies, reducing downtime and extending the lifetime of your UV Lamps. There is also a downloadable operation manual that you will find in the downloadable information located on this page.

When using UV Lamps DO:

✔ Clean the UV Lamp with a suitable cloth before installation

✔ Check the UV Lamp regularly for cleanliness

✔ Check the UV Lamp regularly for functionality (See UV Measurement)

✔ Ensure you have considered and made provisions for cooling and ozone extraction

✔ Ensure your installation if safe and that adequate light shielding is in place

When using UV Lamps DON'T:

✘ Touch UV Lamps with bare hands

✘ Look directly into UV Light

✘ Switch the UV lamp on and off frequently

✘  Operate the lamps at higher power than they were designed for

✘ Dispose of UV Lamps without consulting local and regional regulations

Please don't hesitate to get in touch for further support regarding operating UV lamps. Contact our technical team on +44 (0)1582 805410 or email info@uv-technik.co.uk.