ABOX UV Technology
  • For disinfection and oxidation
  • Simple to complex solutions
  • Quality management in accordance with DIN EN ISO 9001

The ABOX series is an extensive range of solutions for disinfection and oxidation of water. The German engineering expertise is reflected in the quality of this range. The range has been developed with user convenience in mind.  The range includes systems certified in accordance with Ã–NORM M 5873-1:2001 and Germanic Lloyd DNV-GL. Modular solutions are also possible. Please see below a summary of the various systems and application:

 Type  Area of Application  Examples
 ABOX® S  Drinking, service and waste water, process water  Process water for industry, fish   farming and RAS systems, cooling   water,  swimming pool water 
 ABOX® PE  Thermal or seawater  Aquaculture and fish farming,   service water, salt water 
 ABOX® TF  Service and waste water with low UV transmission  Garden water, greenhouses,   cooling lubricants 
 ABOX® PH  Water purification 

 Process water for beverage and   food industry

 Process water for pharmaceutical   and cosmetics industry, residual   ozone elimination 

 ABOX® SL  Air and exhaust treatment  Air treatment of production   facilities, elimination of odours 
 ABOX® SB  Waste water of SBR systems   Small sewage treatment plants,   agriculture and aquaculture,   service and grey water
 ABOX® DF  Process and service water  Food, fish and aquaculture water   swimming pool water 
 ABOX® C  Certified systems in accordance with ÖNORM M 5873-1:2001  Drinking water, process water for   the food industry, production   plants
 ABOX® GL  Certified systems in accordance with Germanic   Lloyd DNV-GL   Maritime applications, oil   platforms, water preparation on   ships, yachts and fishing boats
 ABOX® TOC  UV treatment for TOC Reduction  pharmaceutical industry,   semiconductor production,   medical applications, power plant   applications
 ABOX® WAS  Compact unit filter UV   Private water supply, mobile   water preparation, final   sterilisation,   mountain huts,   maritime applications
 ABOX® P  UV oxidation (Medium pressure lamp system)  Industrial water treatment, UV   combination process breakdown   of organic components
 ABOX® MS  UV treatment of swimming pool water (Medium   pressure lamp system)  Reduction of chloramine, pool   and service water disinfection


Need help deciding? Contact our technical team on +44 (0)1582 805410 or email info@uv-technik.co.uk for advice about which of our UV water disinfection systems would be suitable for your requirements. Please also see the downloadable information located on this page for further technical data about this product.

Product Image
Key Points
  • Made in Europe
  • CE Certified
  • Technical Support
  • OEM Partners
  Product Catalogue
  Applications Brochure
Product Manual
 * Please contact us directly