Before any UV lamp leaves our factory, it will have been rigorously tested. Full data from each lamp is logged into our system against every serial number. This makes it almost impossible for a faulty UV lamp to leave our factory. If you are unfortunate enough to experience problems with your UV lamps, it is more often than not the result of a common issue. With our experience and expertise, we can help you diagnose the root cause of a problem, and advise on a fix. In most cases, we also advise on prevention. In any investigation into curing problem, it is essential that we obtain a wide range of information in order to fully investigate the matter.
Please see the downloadable form located on this page that you can fill in and send to us in the event that you are experiencing problems with a UV lamp. This is the first step we ask all of our customers to take. On some occasions, we may also ask you to send us a lamp that you are experiencing issues with. Feel free to contact us at anytime to discuss UV lamp troubleshooting. Alternatively, please don't hesitate to get in touch for further support. Contact our technical team on +44 (0)1582 805410 or email